We invite you to join

Conscious Leadership Community.

Leaders supported, and supporting other leaders!

Our Invitation

Have you found it can be lonely out front?

Have you found not everyone understands what it means to lead, and have others rely on them?

Have you been longing for conscious fellowship with purposeful leaders making a difference in our world?

We invite you to join our community, envisioned as a "campfire" experience for leaders to support fellow leaders.

Join us as we relax into the authenticity of our own selves, make space for other leaders, and discuss a more conscious way of leadership.

Conscious Leadership Community hosts
Weekly Sessions on

Sundays @ 9pm EST!

Join us each week for Community Building, Skill Shares, and Support,
The best way to know what's happening next is to sign up for the newsletter!
(and the only way to get the Zoom links and replays)

Conscious Leadership Community Facebook Group

  • Authentic Conversations

  • Expert Panels

  • Interviews & Member Spotlights

  • Community Building

  • Skill Development Workshops

  • and Much More!

We look forward to seeing your contribution to the warmth of our shared vision and values.

Why Facebook?

Hosting our community as a

Facebook group is an intentional choice.

We see our community as more than

just a FB group, and we hope you will too.

While we may use this platform as a way to communicate and connect,

the relationships we nurture and the bridges we build

travel far beyond our digital campsite.

We encourage inquiry and conversation about leadership and

becoming better leaders in support of the people we serve.

In the group, discussion of key leadership topics,

community events, workshops, and opportunities for

members to connect with fellow leaders.

As leaders we know, we get what we give.

We're thrilled to have your contribution in the mix

and look forward to hearing your thoughts and feels.

Where are

the Leaders Making Space

for other Leaders?

This is the question that has sent us on

a quest of inquiry, contemplation, and action.

What we believe the style of authority that is most generative and needed today is earned, not taken.

It comes from service, not self-service.

If leadership calls to you, then there is

profound reason for you to embrace it.

And even when you do answer the call of leadership it can be uncomfortable, challenging, and lonely.

That's why our service to this community is to co-facilitate a space where leaders support other leaders through conversation, connection, and understanding.

We've benefited immensely from the support of other leaders and would like to extend the same to the members of this community.

Our Vision

"A community of leaders
supporting leaders for the highest good of

the people they serve."

Our Community Values


Trust is the heart of our community that weaves

together our presence, intention, and authenticity.


Integrity is the foundation of ownership, accountability, and wholeness that facilitates contribution, community, and vision.


Commitment is expressed through our deepening authenticity,

generative contribution, and invested presence.


Honor is recognizing each other's unique contributions,

embodying empathy, and resolving conflicts with respect.


Benevolence is serving the community with shared authority,

higher alignment, and compassionate leadership.

Our Facilitators

But Who Are They Really?

Justin Yip

Justin doesn’t like most hierarchical structures as they exist today.

There is nothing about hierarchy that is inherently bad, especially when thought of in its most ancient origins. However, there is a responsibility for those at the top of any hierarchy to truly serve the people in the spaces that they lead. This is what is missing in most organizations and communities as they are today.

This is the mission that Justin is on… to flatten hierarchy and to facilitate communities where leaders make space for others leaders.

A school teacher for most of his professional career, Justin understands the importance of modeling and encouraging behavior that is most beneficial for both personal growth and also for healthy group dynamics.

It was actually Justin’s transition from teacher to entrepreneur and digital business advocate that opened his eyes to the need for better online communities that are led by more conscious leaders.

More than anything, Justin believes that every individual who is called to be a leader has a unique contribution of service to share that can only be realized through deep personal growth.

Leaders supporting each other’s growth is what he hopes to offer in this community.

Loriel and Arcturus

The journey to leadership has been an inward journey for both Loriel and Arcturus.

While they grew up on different continents, many of their experiences were similar including childhood traumas, a lot of suffering and poor decision making which led to rock bottom, followed by a spiritual awakening and doing the inner work to heal those wounds.

Loriel and Arcturus feel that the inner work and healing creates a solid foundation for an effective leader. This allows one’s vision to be clear. It is important to know where you are going as well as clearly see any obstacles or opportunities that show up along the path. These are often missed or ran away from because of a fear response stemming from a trauma or limiting belief.

The inner work helped Loriel and Arcturus move away from leadership in corporate roles to their own business, guiding people to follow their lead in going within; healing the mind and body; and bravely walking their mission to serve for the highest and best of all.

Leadership is being in service to each other and everyone. It is active, not reactive. When facing confrontation, a leader stands by their principles and values.

Loriel and Arcturus also strongly feel that leadership should be fun. If you’re not enjoying it, why not?

Justin H. Lee

Leadership has been a consistent theme throughout the seasons and cycles of Justin’s life.

Like many, they grew up with few leadership role models or examples of healthy leadership.

From their years as a sales trainer, running a creative agency, facilitating men's circles, establishing conscious communities, to coaching and mentoring people globally, Justin has seen first hand how much leaders benefit other leaders. Not because they lack skills or ability or that leadership is inherently isolating, but because their leadership is enriched and empowered when held with honor and compassion by other leaders walking a similar path.

It's rare for modern leaders to have the kind of support and guidance grounded in accountability, wisdom, and good will. We can see the result of this everywhere we look.

Justin believes the world is in great need of new, old ways of leading and following.

He is excited to be part of this community and contribute their experience, presence, and passion in service of our collective heart.

Jason Matthews

With a distinguished 10-year career in the U.S. Army, including six years in key leadership roles, Jason has honed his skills in leading diverse teams under challenging conditions. His military experience laid the foundation for his understanding of disciplined, structured leadership.

Following his service, Jason embarked on a decade-long journey exploring the nuances of effective leadership. Deeply influenced by the principles of servant leadership, transformational leadership, and adaptive leadership, he has focused on integrating human behavior understanding to ethically guide and influence others towards mutually beneficial outcomes.

Jason's leadership philosophy is rooted in the belief that understanding and leveraging the complexities of human behavior is key to creating positive change. This approach has enabled him to lead with empathy, inspire transformation, and adapt to evolving circumstances in a manner that respects and uplifts those he leads.

Joining the Conscious Leadership Community, Jason is committed to sharing these insights and strategies, helping others cultivate their leadership abilities. His goal is to empower emerging leaders to create meaningful impacts in their organizations and communities, fostering environments where trust, innovation, and shared success thrive.

What's Next?

Our Email Newsletter is how we'll keep you

connected to and informed about

all things related to our

Conscious Leadership Community.

Receive information, updates, and announcements:

~ Schedule and details of upcoming community sessions

~ Access to expert panels, workshops, and live events
~ Insights and invitations to develop your leadership

~ Happenings in the community and the FB group

Our Community Calls Are Every Sunday, 9pm EST!